Friday, 30 September 2011

Satuday :)
the sixth day=')
My darling was unhappy in the morning , saw her post, hmm. But luckily, he was accompanying her, I hoped that she would be much better=D
Went to PM MALL with her, him and him , really enjoyed!
Bought 1 new bag while she bought 2 new bags >.<
We always can't make decision because hor, the bags were too nice le lor and finally, two boys went to MCD to enjoy their drinks and we walked to hampir all PM MALL eh bag 's shop to find lor..haha~
Bought 1 new wallet too, everything was new new and new today! XD
Zha dao, the bag hor , was so " cheap" luu, everyone sure guess wrong about the money~luckily we had enough money to pay, thank you my darling! <3
Bought 1 present to my daddy too, guai bo? :D
Saw some friends there too, also long long time din see eh friend liao, hello! :)
Went inside to have some sweets, then the peoples like bei song us lor, because we kept on trying but not buying luu, aiyor, there got write must try and buy d meh? If like this, I guarantee you, nobody would walk into your shop d luu -.-
Laughter all around for 4 hours , went to have tomyam too, saw birthday girl there in the same restaurant too, haha =D
Thanks to the driver for today! ^^
Happy Birthday to you, Li Leng!


Friday! =)
the fifth day!
Can't wake up ar, lol, my dream really very..make I speechless XD
Like this pun can dreamt tiok, haha :)
After class, went to eat KFC with my darling ^^
Hungry ka bei tahan ar, super hungry! Then I straight called much foods to eat till you can surprise maybe :D
Had 1 plurk - Andrinna12, add me ya ^^

看到他写说他想找一个新的女朋友时,心,没什么了,再也不会痛了,习惯了吧,也许他说的很对,有些等待是不值得,但是爱情也是盲目的,明明知道是错的人,还是要坚持下去 ,明明自己很不好,还要说,我很好。每个人在这个世界上也会遇到自己最心爱的人,感情上也会有很多波折,每个人对待感情的方法也会不同,最重要是解说批次的不完美,这样,感情才能继续长久,我说过,我不想忘记你,现在,是你逼我忘记你,我告诉你,我做到了 :D

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Thursday :)
the fourth day!

超爱睡的,不知道为什么 -.-
觉得面子书超静的 lor ,跟某人讲了要一小时的电话,aiyo , 太好笑了!
每个人烦着不同样的东西 XD
每个人的忍耐是有限度的,不揭发你,不代表你是对的。 没批评人之前,请检讨自己,是不是很完美,谢谢 :) ^^
请别对号入座蛤 :D

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Wednesday :)
the third day :D
Actually we were gOing to meeting today but xr cancelled it. so, didn;t go already.
First time watched xq and her friends played the game, laughed ka wa stomachache really, haha.
If our class was like this, how good? =]
Yalo, agreed with what weijun said. I was sad today, haha, but cannot cry lar. Just listened songs all the time. He also same bus with me leh, haha, actually wanted to talk eh, but hor, don't know why we bo talk, but the funniest thing was we kept on replying each other messages in facebook! haha, so fun! He just sat beside me you knew? XD
BT and I more funny, we went to first aid room to duty, but we were not duty at all? >.<
Went to washroom le , then find Juli to talk a while while she was waiting her boyfriend :)
Saw py too, greet her but weird leh, haha, long long time din talk le suddenly said hi, weird :D
The most funniest was about Chinese's presentation. We all went out to present the topic that we had choosen.
My topic was : 我很特别,因为。。
At also get a wonderful topic, about love one, her story sipek touched, Heard liao hampir wanted to cry neh~
Really agreed with what teacher said, everything we did, we only see the surface.
Like somebody, they liked a people because the people was beautiful or handsome.
We didn't think about what will happen next, do I understand him/her?
To him : Gambateh har, but don't put in too much hope or effort, or-else you may get hurt at the end :)

老师说得太对了,对到我可以联想去很多地方,有很多说不出的感言,觉得有心在一起的朋友,你要找也很难了,有哪一个朋友能懂你的不开心,却也能陪伴你,聊到天亮,陪到你开心为此?他们有,我真的很羡慕,今天选了这个题目,我很意外,我也没有去害怕,因为我也不懂,就是没有害怕,我是真实的自己,我不会去介意人家怎样看我,也许我说得不够好,不过也没有什么了,我只想把我想讲的话讲出来,与人分享,或许人家会认为是负担,认为,为什么这个人这么烦的?总有烦不完的烦恼?是呀,人就是烦不完东西的,今天饭要吃什么,等下烦明天去学校要穿什么,后天烦我还他钱了没有,人就是这样,得到了就不会知足,反而还要更多,有人也是这样,拥有了想要得到的,就变了,完全变了,变得可以当作不管他的事一样。毛病来了吧?只是想你关心而已,有这样难吗?是,你很贴心,我就是不想你对我太贴心,那种感觉很可怕,好像随时都会撑不下去。迷失自己的感觉很恐怖,不知道自己想要什么,也不懂自己该往哪一条路走,哪一个是对的,哪一个是错的,自己已不能分得清楚了,不能习惯,又能怎样?当初不应该这样,对吗?很怕,也许刚才我朋友说得十分对,过不了那关也是因为这样。我还能忍,还能,还能支持下去,我是谁?我是 andrinna, andrinna 会坚强的!我一定要...

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Tuesday -.-
The second day.
What a lonely day, only had 1 class, stayed in first aid room for 2 and more hours, really wanted to ki siao!
Luckily last minute still had Zi Zhen, Kelvin and Tracy came in, if not I really can hungry till pengsan :)
Bo mood! Promised each other le, but he can't finally. arrrrr. arrrrr.arrrrr. the feeling, pain..
Friends are very important in our life! Thanks for having them all the time around me! :D

就算真的很孤单,听了你说的这些,心再也没有了空洞 。
爱了,就不要轻易放开手!我们要学会更加珍惜蛤 <3

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Happy! Can go school with my darling lar :D
Add some songs in my blog, hoped you all enjoyed ya :) 
the first day for us  =)
I was so nervous and confuse.
Do my choice correct?
Mood ar mood, when can you up ha?
Actually, today I was very happy in college, can talk from the moment I arrived  college till I back to my home :D
Thsi feeling was great enough, but when at night, the loneliness came to find me again.
I hated this feeling, but I can't do anything.
I felt lonely,  I have you, but I still felt sad, sorry :)




世界上没有感同深受这回事,针不刺到别人身上,他们就不知道有多痛 .
鱼上钩了,那是因为鱼爱上了渔夫,它愿用生命来博渔夫一笑 .

... ...

【家】一份永恒不变的感情 :)

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Sunday :)
Finally, changed my background to nicer ones <3
Hoped you all like it ya :D












... ... 絕對傷心榜第五名——




在 你 们 说 女 孩 子 不 够 漂 亮 的 时 候...

请 先 照 照 镜 子 看 看 你 有 没 有 资 格 交 到 漂 亮 的 女生

在 你 们 说 女 孩 子 不 够 高 挑 的 时 候
请 确 保 你 自 己 高 于 1 8 0

而 不 是 二 等 残 废

在 你 们 取 笑 女 孩 子 身 材 的 时 候

请 先 把 你 的 6 块 腹 肌 给 叫 出 来

在 你 们 说 女 孩 子 胸 小 的 时 候

请 确 定 你 自 己 的 J J 长 宽 高 都 到 达 国 际 水 平 =)

Friday, 23 September 2011

Saturday luu!
No replacement. =.=
A few days ago still said had eh , lol.
Bored dao max. hmm. nothing do. arr, the internet usage arr. luckily, RM15 had ben reloaded :D
Talked phone with my darl, haha, like this ka won't so boring la ^^

今天,又看到你上线了,感觉怪怪的,你的干爸打给我,我也是好像没什么心情,不懂为什么,你一定要加女生不可?不能加男生吗?更加好笑的是,我凭什么去关心你?批评你?我又不是你得谁,又有谁能够默默付出,却不要回报的?有谁能这样做?我相信,大部分人都不能吧,是人都不可能好到这样的程度吧。在感情上,我可以,我可以为了你,什么都放下,跟你走。或许你明白我是单纯的人 ,所以不想让我陪着你,永远。你明白我,你懂我是那种爱了就不容易放手的人,所以你要狠狠地对我。他们说,不要等你了,我明白他们的好意,可是就是爱了嘛,讲放下,可能是一时的吧,孤单寂寞时,我还需要你的关心,你的陪伴,真的,很孤单。有时很羡慕人家,可是又能怎样?麻木了,不能谈恋爱了吗?被人伤的彻底后,就注定一个人了吗?要怎样去开始?你能把,我不能,还是不能,人们说,一个人很难快乐是因为他们还是忘不了之前悲伤的事情。我非常赞成,就是因为网捕了,才没办法让自己重新开始,面对这个残酷的世界。原来,不知不觉地,我爱你已经超越一年了,很快吧?真的只是一转眼。我不是故意的,只是太爱你了...

Friday :D
Went to Redbox with my cutie..haha ^^
Sang for four hours leh ..happy dao ^^
And it was very cheap luu, 1 person RM11.50, included drinks and set lunch..haha=)
Aiyoyo, but hor, camera rosak jor, cannot take picture since ytd and today..T.T
But this memories will saty in my heart! <3
Ho chio luu, we went to Pm so early, bo lang punya XD~Use 5 fingers also can count tiok..haha~
Then we went to buy the shampoo luu, darl said that she wanted to buy for her mum as a collection~>.<
Then hor, her bf macam angry jor, speechless..but ssaw diok ehr cute face, all also forget liao la hor? :D
She told me that he find him in fb, and asked the stupid questions.
I already explained to you, but you dont want to hear.
You promised me that you won't disturb me anymore, but now , how do you explain this?
You told everyone that I was in fault, you are in the right.
You are fucking annoying :@

Thursday, 22 September 2011

After one class, went out with pei <3
Went to Prangin to watch Johnny English Reborn, it was so funny!
I watched the second time dy, but still felt funny weyy :D
Today many people said I wore so sexy and mature, haha..because hor, teacher said that image for PR is very vital luu. The new BC teacher was so ......what she said were shooting me directly. XD~Although she didn't say lar, but hor, yer, I got tiok a few lor..-.-
Passed up the money - RM100 :) Good luck to me ^^
The war in working will never ends..hmm >.<
Bought KFC..belanja her! haha~ Hoped that she will like it and thanks to bus uncle again haa =D

不管几都好,我还是要这样做。 对不起。

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Wednesday ^^
Happy ^^
Went out to eat steambot after class..:D
HAHAHA..loved this kind of moments ya=D
But tmr 11am tor finish class d luu, don't know where to go? XD

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Monday and Tuesday :)


Sunday, 18 September 2011

Also the same luu.
Studied, sleep, movie..haha..My mummy ko called me to watch movie with koko..XD
Wah..the movie really let me gam dong tiok neh..hampir wanted to cry dy..TT..
Nainai back today, korkor went to take his things..whole house..pack of people and luckily still can walk..haha!
Tomorrow, sem 2 starts! Good luck to me and I must pay more attention in class d..jiayou^^
Having breakfast with my darling tomorrow..xixi :D

Saturday, 17 September 2011

S a t u r d a y :)
N o t h i n g t o d o -.-
 P P S a g a i n
N o w I b a r u r e a l i s e d m y C G P A ...........-.- h a m p i r . g r r r r r r.
L i f e i s l i k e t h i s . B i a s a t i o k h o :)

Friday, 16 September 2011 work..
Whole energy..dreaming..:)
Aiks..thanks for all the care, friends..
I think this kind of hurt..just I understand only..haha..Am I weird? Yes, I am :D
Lalala, IDC IDC IDC ^^
I wish I could withdraw..and SUPPORT YES OPTICAL! <3
thanks to you, you make I have confident in love again=)

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Sunday and Monday and Tueday and Wednesday and Thursday=)
Work and work and work! :)
I missed you sO much..really so much..
And knew result today..dissapointed..=(
C- and C really got so hard to give..why ..?In my so many questions that should be solved..
Today I should be very happy..because can talk with you for quite a long you like me? Or I am just a normal friend to you? How to know the answer? Some questions that I wanted to know I already knew..just left some..Many friends supported me to go forward to you..but I can't..imy..
Why study is so stress?: Why? Why I have no interest on those subjects but I still have to move on? I was so tired..when I knew my results..I really gonna fainted..I already guessed tiok like this liao ei..Just left a few marks I will pass the 2..but why, need to waste those money? Cried..Can I go to work at your centre? I wish I could..Went out for supper with allfriends..hahaha..crazy zai eh sound very funny..when dua pui oi me, he pui out his drinks..hahah...everytime when I think tiok his laughter..I will relax bit bit ..XD..just cried in the midnight ..who knows? I know =)

我真的很压力。。却不知道要怎样做。。我想,以后不用靠她了,反正他们也不会喜欢我。。人就是这样。。这样。。我真的累了,哭了,谁能了解我?谁?我不知道要怎样在下去,去噢真的想放弃,想去海边,喊出来,会不会有个人会陪我哭,以前是他,现在是谁?不会是你的,对吧?我很希望,每天跟你说话,我都会笑,很自然的笑,跟其他人,不一定能这样。。很多很多的事情,我看得太清楚了,还是第六感太准了?是不是太快看清一个人,对自己都不好?为什么做什么都要伪装?真的有这个必要吗?噢,这样来,就这样去,有时我真的能看清她的样子,却不能说,担心别人被骗,结果,自己确实显得多余的。。她竟然告诉我他有去,我真的傻去,就是因为她!全部人都要问她,让她!!够了没有!大小姐!看戏也要问过你,唱歌也要问过你!要去不要去都是你讲!不要去也不会讲一声!以为自己是谁?主办的人是你,最后怎样?我们还要特地信息问你,你根本都没有心!还敢大声?每个人都会有心情不好的时候,为什么你一定要这样大声?以为从信息我看不出吗?不止我一个这么说你,你很没有礼貌,你知道吗?你心情不好,自己不会管理啊?你不会迟一点才回复吗?有人逼你一定要现在回复吗?我心情不好都没有酱,你懂吗?她竟然叫她去,我真的过不了自己那关,我真的过不了,我不能接受,人就是这样,喜欢做就做,没有问过我们的意见,对吧?当然,又不是他们的谁?哈哈..明天怎样过?我不知道。。我选择了,没去了,这样比较好~谢谢你, siao da bo..^^

Friday, 9 September 2011

Shushu them all came luu.
I havent woke up..they came dy.=.=''
Then online lor..nothing can do in house d..=)
Later 4pm going to work liao..won't feel boring le..xixi <3
Worked in Tesco=)
Luckily I had friends sms with me luu. Abo I will sleep ki  ><
Yeah..tomorrow can meet with my bf liao..happy ^^

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Wednesday, Thursday!
Went to Econsave and Sunshine with my besty! :D
Ate lunch together!
Happy lo..haha..bought a lot of make-up things together lei..xixi~Great day ever!
Most love to go out with her! <3
Thanks for the fetch! My darling..haha! 
What is the example of friendship? Example: Me and you ^^

Monday, 5 September 2011

So boring!
Helped mum to do housework, online and online -.-
on ka wa sien liao :D
Watched my laughing kor! Entao! <3

Every woman deserves a man who calls her baby, kisses her like he means it, holds her tight like he never wants to let go, doesn't cheat, wipes her tears when she cries, doesn’t make her jealous of other women, instead makes other women jealous of her, is not scared to let his friends know how he really feels about her, and lets her know how much he really loves her ♥

Work work work :D
Aunt came to work jor, at least got one people accompanie me XD
Posted many siao liao!
Beng Hong, thanks a lots!! :D
But this one was so true :

Don't wasting time on the guy / girls who don't know how to appreciate you!

28 WAYS T0 MAKE A Girl Smile.....

[1] tell her she is Beautiful. not hot or fine.

[2] hold her hand at ANY moment even if it is just for a second.
... ...
[3] Kiss her on the forehead.

[4] leave her voice messages to wake up to.

[5] ALWAYS tell her you love her at any & and all times.

[6] when she is upset, hold her tight & tell her how much she means to u.

[7] recognize the small things ..they usually mean the most.

[8] call her Sweetie or BABY.

[9] Sing to her no matter how horrible your voice is.

[10] pick her over all the OTHER girls you hang out with.

[11] write her notes.(she loves them)

[12] introduce her to family & friends as your girlfriend.

[13] play with her hair.

[14] pick her up, tickle her, & play WRESTLE with her.

[15] sit in the park & just TALK to her.

[16] tell her funny jokes, tell her stupid jokes, just tell her joke.

[17] throw pebbles at her window in the middle of the night just because u missed

[18] let her fall asleep in your arms.

[19] carve your names into a TREE.

[20] if she`s mad. Kiss her !

[21] give her piggyback rides.

[22] bring her flowers just because.

[23] treat her the same around your friends as you do when you`re alone.

[24] look her in the eyes & Smile.

[25] let her take as many pictures as she wants.

[26] SL0W DANCE with her, even if there isn't any music playing.


[28] if you`re in love with her tell her.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Friday, Saturday, Sunday!
也许真的有,也许真的没有,就算有,能不能够发生在我的身上..? 不过,现在真的不需要了~因为我真的想通了!
第一次遇到这种人,我真的不知道要怎样去形容。。很可怕。。谢谢 Ah Wei and Xiao Qian 的陪伴!真的十分谢谢他们!
哥哥今天回来了,晚上就到了,家里又要出现哥哥的生活,好像真的很奇怪,也许是自己还没有习惯吧。 =)

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and today was Thursday! :D
So many days din write blog dy luu =D
Worked in two places ya and one of th day happened something lor, but I was feeling very great that they trusted me :) and the woman was such a failure o >.<
Did le still wanted to run, luckily we could find her, if not hor, really cannot sleep lor..
Then he was back to Penang! All my complicated feeling came again, aha!
Ya, I have told him lo, hmm, I guessed he knew that. Btw, it was super complicated. It was not so easy than others think. When you go out to work outside the world, really one, you will face a lot of probs and many different kinds of peOples =)
This holidays, I <3